Estadísticas de uso del Low Code

Low code has become one of the most important trends in the world of software development. According to a Gartner report, it is expected that by 2024, 65% of enterprise applications will be developed using low code platforms. Additionally, the same report indicates that the low code market will grow at an annual compound rate of 23.2% until 2022. Meanwhile, Forrester Research estimates that the low code market will reach $21 billion by 2022.

In summary, low code is a software development methodology that allows companies to create applications more quickly, efficiently, and customized. It is also a growing trend that is transforming the world of software development and offers multiple benefits to the companies that use it.

What is Low Code?

Low Code is a software development methodology that allows users to create applications without the need for advanced programming knowledge. It is a form of automation that allows the design, creation, and deployment of enterprise applications through visual interfaces and natural language. In other words, it enables the creation of applications more quickly and easily than traditional methods.

What are the benefits of Low Code?

Low Code has multiple benefits for companies that use it. Below are the most relevant ones:

  1. Accelerates application development:Low Code enables the creation of applications more quickly and efficiently, resulting in time and cost savings.
  2. Reduces dependence on programmers:thanks to the visual interface and natural languages, users can create applications without the need for advanced programming knowledge.
  3. Allows the creation of custom applications:Low Code allows companies to create applications tailored to their needs, improving their productivity and competitiveness.
  4. Facilitates integration with other systems:Low Code allows integration with other enterprise systems, facilitating the exchange of information and management of complex business processes.
  5. Encourages innovation Low Code enables companies to develop new ideas and projects more quickly and easily, encouraging innovation and business growth.

¿Esta realacionado el Low Code y la Automatización de Procesos?

 Low code and process automation are closely related. In fact, it could be said that low code is a process automation tool in itself.

Low code allows users to create enterprise applications more quickly and efficiently through visual interfaces and natural language. This means that a large number of business processes and tasks that previously required manual intervention from programmers and software developers can be automated.

By automating business processes through low code, human errors can be reduced, worker efficiency and productivity can be improved, and time and resources can be saved. In addition, process automation can also improve the user experience by creating more personalized applications and services tailored to their needs

Therefore, low code and process automation are intimately linked, as low code enables the automation of business processes more easily and quickly, which translates into significant benefits for companies that use it.

The most commonly used tools in Low Code

  1. Microsoft Power Apps:It is a low code platform that allows users to create enterprise applications for different devices and operating systems, without the need for advanced programming skills
  2. Salesforce LightningIt is a low code tool that enables users to create custom applications and automate business processes through a visual interface and natural language
  3. Mendix: It is a low code platform that offers a visual integrated development environment (IDE) to create custom enterprise applications.
  4. Appian: It is a low code platform that allows users to create enterprise applications through a visual interface and natural language, and also offers tools to automate complex business processes.
  5. OutSystems: It is a low code platform that allows users to quickly and easily create enterprise applications, and also offers tools to automate complex business processes.

These are just some of the most commonly used low code tools and platforms today. Each one has its own features and functionalities, so it's important to analyze the needs of each company and select the low code tool that best fits its requirements.

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