In our daily work, we review numerous resumes and CVs of software developers and related disciplines, and we often notice that there is important information missing to properly highlight the candidate's profile and experience. Therefore, it is essential for candidates to provide specific and relevant details in their resumes so that potential employers can fully understand their skills and achievements

Customize your CV: Make sure your CV is tailored to the job you're applying for and highlight the relevant skills and experiences you have for that particular job.

Use important keywords: Include relevant keywords for the technology and software development industry in your CV. This can help your CV stand out to potential employers looking for specific candidates.

Highlight your technical skills: Employers want to know what technical skills you have, so make sure to include your programming skills, programming languages, tools, technologies, and most relevant achievements with those technologies.

Include relevant projects and experiences: If you've worked on relevant projects in the technology or software development industry, make sure to include them on your CV. If you've contributed to open-source projects or created your own applications, that should also be highlighted.

Make your CV easy to read: Make sure your CV has a clean and easy-to-read design. Use bullet points to highlight the main responsibilities and achievements of your previous jobs, and make sure the fonts and font sizes are legible.

Include references: If you have relevant work or professional references, include them on your resume. Make sure these people are aware that you have included them on your resume and give them a copy of the resume so they can be prepared if contacted.

Review and edit your CV: Make sure to carefully review your CV and correct any spelling or grammatical errors. A well-written and error-free resume can make a big difference in the perception an employer has of you.

Following these tips, you'll be in a better position to send an effective and attractive CV as a software developer.

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